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以贵州北部一茶叶园区80个表层土壤样品为研究对象,对其Hg、As、Cd、Pb、Cr和Cu含量进行测定,在MATLAB中应用支持向量机构建土壤环境质量评价模型,并与模糊综合评价法和内梅罗综合污染指数法的评价结果对比分析,探究支持向量机模型在喀斯特山区土壤环境质量评价中的适用性,其结果表明:研究区土壤质量Ⅰ类与Ⅱ类样品比例为33∶7,土壤环境质量大多数为I类;支持向量机方法的评价结果与模糊综合评价法和内梅罗综合污染指数法结果的相同率分别达到82.5%和80.0%,并分析结果有差异的样品,发现支持向量机评价结果更符合实际情况,这说明该模型适用于土壤环境质量的评价。   相似文献   
基于遥感和GIS的岩溶区1∶5万区域地质填图难易程度分区   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
程洋  潘星呈 《中国岩溶》2018,37(6):910-917
从岩溶区1∶5万区域地质填图的实际需求出发,采用遥感地质综合解译和GIS综合分析相结合的技术手段,在详细解译区域地质、地貌、环境、水文等要素的基础上,以地层延伸性、地形地势、水系形态、冲沟密度为评价参数,定性地划分了研究区1∶5万区域地质填图的难易程度。实地调查显示,区域地质填图难易程度分区的成果与研究区的实际地质情况基本一致,可作为岩溶区1∶5万区域地质填图工作部属的依据,能在保证成果精度的前提下显著提高岩溶区1∶5万区域地质调查的工作效率。   相似文献   
重度石漠化区不同土地利用方式下土壤养分特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文以云南省蒙自市西北勒乡碧色寨村石漠化土地为研究对象,基于主成分分析法(PCA)研究岩溶石漠化区不同土地利用方式下的土壤养分特征。结果表明:(1)研究区土壤各养分指标变异系数介于0.14~1.76,不同土地利用方式下,土壤养分状况有较大差异;(2)研究区土壤12项养分指标可归结为3个主成分,所提供的信息占全部信息的90.69%,其中PC1主要包含了全磷、有效磷、速效钾和有效锰,PC2主要综合了有机碳、全氮、全钙和有效锌,有效铁对PC3具有较大的贡献。(3)对不同用地类型土壤养分的主成分得分进行排序,由大到小依次为火龙果地>林地>封育草地>玉米地,表明植树造林及火龙果种植等方式能有效改善石漠化区的土壤养分状况。建议对样区的石漠化治理应以封山育土为前提,以生态恢复为目的,通过种植火龙果与修复林地改善样区土壤状况,逐步形成生态环境与社会经济协调发展的石漠化综合治理体系。   相似文献   
岩溶塌陷灾害的岩溶地下水气压力监测技术及应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
蒋小珍  雷明堂 《中国岩溶》2018,37(5):786-791
文章系统、全面地介绍了岩溶地下水气压力监测技术及其应用成果。该技术在监测成孔、孔口的密封及监测频率等方面创新性地提出了相关的工艺方法,能真实、及时且充分地反映出岩溶管道裂隙系统中的地下水气压力变化特点,可为岩溶塌陷的机理研究、监测和预警提供科学依据。岩溶地下水气压力监测技术工艺简单、操作方便、成本低廉,经过20多年的改进,已成功应用于全国11个典型岩溶塌陷区,服务于高铁、水源地、油气管线、市政建设等潜在岩溶塌陷风险性评价、安全降深、监测预警等方面,取得了很好的效果。   相似文献   
高密度电阻率法在莱芜市泉河地区岩溶地质勘查中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
吴亚楠 《中国岩溶》2018,37(4):617-623
岩溶不仅会导致基岩面起伏很大,而且会产生较多的溶蚀带、溶洞、土洞等岩溶地质特征,灰岩分布区发生的地面塌陷等地质灾害,对建筑物安全及社会经济发展造成了严重的危害,高密度电阻率法是岩溶地质调查的重要物探手段。文章根据高密度电阻率法的基本原理及特点,对莱芜市泉河地区进行了岩溶地质勘查,通过对视电阻率二维成像图异常形态、高低阻等的反演分析,推断了该地区岩溶分布范围、大小和埋深。经钻探验证,推断结果与钻探资料吻合,为该地区岩溶塌陷地质灾害防治提供参考价值。   相似文献   
The ancient landslide has endured long-term slope evolution which results in its complicated material and special rock-soil properties. The risk of ancient landslide reactivation is substantially increasing due to the increase of intensified human engineering activities and the frequency of extreme weather events. Many ancient landslides have been reactivated all over the world and led to serious fatalities and severe damage to many important engineering facilities such as transportation and hydropower engineering projects. On the basis of the analysis of the research situation about the ancient landslides at home and abroad, the main research advances were summarized including the regional developing laws and recognizing of the ancient landslides, the mechanics properties of ancient landslide body and related sliding zone, reactivation mechanism of ancient landslides, reactivating process and modeling analysis of ancient landslides, early recognization of ancient landslide reactivation, etc. To meet the demands of disaster prevention and reduction, three key scientific issues were put forward to be solved: ①automaticaly establishing the methodology and identification criterions for recognition of ancient landslide; ②revealing the reactivation mechanism of ancient landslide based on a new strength theory; ③establishing the early rapid recognition method and predictive model for ancient landslide reactivation. Solving the above mentioned scientific theory and methodology will facilitate the planning and site selection of major projects as well as the disaster prevention and reduction in ancient landslide developing areas.  相似文献   
青藏高原地质构造活跃,内外动力作用强烈,加之气候异常变化,区内大型滑坡发育。以雅鲁藏布江断裂附近新发现的拉岗村古滑坡为研究对象,在现场调查、槽探揭露、地质测年和工程地质分析等基础上,对其发育特征及成因机制进行了分析研究。研究表明,(1)拉岗村滑坡属巨型岩质滑坡,体积达3.6×107 m3,最大水平滑动距离约3050m,滑坡后壁与堆积体前缘高差达965m,最大运动速率达78.1m/s,具明显高速远程特征;(2)受冷冻风化和冰体"楔劈"作用影响,滑坡后部岩体崩裂,全新世以来气候变化冰川逐渐消退,融雪降水入渗加剧劣化岩体结构,降低岩体强度;(3)根据14 C和10Be测年结果,拉岗村古滑坡形成于距今4140~9675a,沿雅鲁藏布江断裂发生的强震可能是该滑坡的直接诱因,岩体受到地震抛掷力作用,原有节理裂隙和新生破裂面发生张剪-拉裂破坏迅速贯通,首先沿断裂附近碎裂结构岩体发生破坏,上部岩体随之失稳并高速下滑。该研究可为认识青藏高原断裂带内大型古滑坡的形成机理提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Dedolomitization is a common diagenetic process in shallow burial environments and is often associated with sulphates in mixed carbonate‐evaporite successions. In these settings, elevated Ca2+/Mg2+ ratios necessary for dedolomitization result from the dissolution of sulphate phases by the incursion of undersaturated groundwater. Reported dedolomite textures from other studies are varied, but the most prevalent is a rhombic texture interpreted to result from the partial to complete pseudomorphic replacement of secondary dolomite rhombs formed in the burial diagenetic realm. In this study of primary cryptocrystalline to finely crystalline dolomicrites in the Prairie Evaporite Formation of north‐eastern Alberta, dedolomitization has resulted in sutured to loosely packed mosaics of dedolomite that range from subhedral to distinctly euhedral (rhombic) crystal fabrics; however, no prior aggrading neomorphism producing dolomite rhombs is evident in the precursor dolomicrites. Non‐pseudomorphic dedolomitization of the dolomicrites results in textures that include rhombic dedolomite crystals with cloudy cores comprising remnant dolomicrite and clear rims. These textures are similar to those observed in the pseudomorphic dedolomitization of secondary dolomite rhombs. The Prairie Evaporite Formation of north‐eastern Alberta has experienced extensive karstification near the erosional margin of the sedimentary succession. Dedolomitization of dolomicrites occurs in marker beds within the Prairie Evaporite succession associated with evaporite karstification. Along with stratigraphic and petrographic considerations, stable isotope results support the interpretation of a shallow dedolomitization event influenced by meteoric waters derived from the basin margin. Negative δ 18O and low δ 13C values (averages of −13·6‰VPDB and 0·5‰VPDB, respectively) of the dedolomite, compared with those of the primary dolomicrite (averages of −6·0‰VPDB and 1·2‰VPDB, respectively), point to isotopically light diagenetic fluids. These results show that rhombic dedolomite textures can form through shallow, non‐pseudomorphic dedolomitization of dolomicrites by meteoric fluids in the presence of sulphates, with resulting textures that are similar to the pseudomorphic dedolomitization of secondary dolomite rhombs.  相似文献   
贵州省复杂地层地热深井钻探工艺   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
宋继伟 《地质与勘探》2018,54(5):1024-1037
贵州省地矿局组织实施了“贵州省地热深井钻探技术攻关”项目,研究了喀斯特地区复杂地层情况下地热深井钻探中螺杆钻井工艺和空气钻井工艺的适应性,攻克了两种工艺在该地区应用受地层特性限制的相关技术难题。螺杆马达平均寿命达到200小时以上,螺杆钻井工艺较常规钻井工艺钻进机械钻速提高2~3倍;空气潜孔锤单井应用深度超过1500m,空气潜孔锤钻井工艺较常规钻井工艺机械钻速提高10~29.5倍。同时研究了单井多工艺转换接力钻进技术,以及与上述工艺配套使用的钻井液体系。最终形成了一套适合贵州省地质条件地热深井钻探施工并能显著提高钻井效率和经济效益的组合工艺技术体系。该成果能将1口2000m以上地热深井施工周期由原来的8~12个月缩短至4~6个月,将单井平均施工成本由450万元降低至410万元以下。  相似文献   
随着遥感数据获取技术和能力的全面提高,遥感数据呈现出明显的大数据特征。发展适应于遥感大数据的智能分析和信息挖掘技术,成为当前遥感技术研究的前沿。高分二号(GF-2)卫星数据是我国首颗自主研发的亚米级高分辨率卫星数据,具有观测幅宽、重访周期短、高辐射精度、高定位精度等优势,为未来我国地质灾害的长期、动态地监测和研究提供了高精度、稳定可靠的数据源。本文选取安徽谢桥煤矿2015年1月8日的GF-2卫星影像为研究数据,在对煤矿区主要地质灾害遥感地学分析的基础上,采用面向对象的影像分析方法对研究区由采煤活动所诱发的地质灾害信息进行自动提取。结果表明:利用GF-2卫星数据能够有效地识别地质灾害体的位置、范围、形态等空间分布特征;面向对象的自动提取方法对于煤矿区大面积的积水塌陷盆地、小规模的塌陷坑和线性的地裂缝都有很高的提取精度,识别精度达90% 以上;基于逐层剔除的思路构建的提取规则,为GF-2数据在地质灾害调查和大数据分析中的应用提供了很好的技术支持,也为其它地物目标的提取提供了参考,但在特征的选择和阈值的设定上需要具体分析。  相似文献   
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